CARS Deluxe Document List


Below is a comprehensive list of the 850+ Transport Canada Aviation related government publications currently available on CARs Deluxe. We are constantly adding documents and updating changes to the Canadian Aviation Regulations.

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CARs Deluxe Document List – Revision June 2024
Last Updated: July 2, 2024

The following (850+) Canadian Aviation Documents have been incorporated into the CARs Deluxe database:

  • Aeronautics Act
  • Canadian Aviation Regulations
  • Canadian Aviation Regulation Standards
  • Aeronautical Information Manual (TC-AIM)
  • Guidance Material for Regulations and Standards
    • 342 – Advisory Document Complementing Regulations and Standards Respecting Airport Wildlife Management and Planning
    • 343 – Advisory Document Complementing Regulations and Standards Respecting Aircraft Fire Fighting at Aerodromes and Airports
    • 348 – Advisory Document Complementing Regulations and Standards Respecting Aircraft Emergency Intervention at Aerodromes and Airports
  • Aeronautical Information Manual (TC AIM)
  • AIP Canada
  • Advisory Circulars (AC)
    • AC DAN-001 – Aerial Work Involving the Transport of Dangerous Goods
    • AC LTA-001 – Protecting the Health & Safety of Employees on Board Aircraft in Epidemic Situations Involving Airborne Communicable Diseases
    • AC LTA-002 – Disinsection On Board Aircraft
    • AC LTA-003 – Participation of Health & Safety Committees and Representatives in Investigations of Hazardous Occurrences – Canada Labour Code, Part II
    • AC LTA-004 – Aviation Occupational Health and Safety Program
    • AC LTA-005 – Occupational Health and Safety Inspections On-Board Aircraft by Work Place Committees or Representatives
    • AC LTA-006 – Right to Refuse Dangerous Work – Employer and Employee Rights and Responsibilities
    • AC QUA-001 – Quality Assurance Programs
    • AC SUR-001 – Development and Implementation of Fatigue Risk Management Systems in the Canadian Aviation Industry
    • AC SUR-002 – Root Cause Analysis and Corrective Action for TCCA Findings
    • AC 100-001 – Glossary for Pilots and Air Traffic Services Personnel
    • AC 102-001 – Operation and Maintenance of Aircraft Performing Activities Relating to Defence
    • AC 107-001 – Guidance on Safety Management Systems Development
    • AC 107-002 – Safety Management Systems Development Guide for Small Operators/Organizations
    • AC 300-001 – Processing of Aerodrome Aeronautical Information
    • AC 300-002 – Safety Management System Implementation Procedures for Airport Operators
    • AC 300-004 – Unpaved Runway Surfaces
    • AC 300-005 – Changes to Runway Surface Condition Reporting
    • AC 300-006 – Precision Approach Path Indicator Maintenance and Inspection (PAPI)
    • AC 300-007 – Engineered Materials Arresting Systems for Aircraft Overruns
    • AC 300-008 – Runway Grooving
    • AC 300-009 – Land Use and Jurisdictional Issues at Aerodromes
    • AC 300-012 – Storage, Handling and Dispensing of Aviation Fuels at Aerodromes
    • AC 300-014 – Precision Approach Path Indicator Flight Check
    • AC 300-015 – Requirements for the Timely Notification of Amendments to Aeronautical Information
    • AC 300-016 – ALSF-2/SSALR Circuit Interleaving
    • AC 300-017 – Mixing Aeronautical Ground Lighting Technologies
    • AC 300-018 – Displacement of PAPI Axis for Offset Approaches
    • AC 300-019 – Global Reporting Format (GRF) for Runway Surface Condition Reporting
    • AC 300-021 – Thin Bituminous Surface Runways
    • AC 301-001 – Procedure to be Followed in Order to Support Instrument Approach Procedures (IAP) at a Non-Certified Aerodrome
    • AC 301-002 – Aerodrome Registration
    • AC 301-003 – Ice Aerodrome Development – Guidelines and Recommended Practices
    • AC 302-001 – Publication of the Level of Service with Respect to Departure Below RVR 2600 (½ Statute Mile)
    • AC 302-002 – Implementation of New or Amended Noise Abatement Procedures
    • AC 302-003 – Personnel and Equipment Within the Critical Portion of the Runway Strip
    • AC 302-004 – Use of a Follow-me Vehicle Service to Support Reduced/Low Visibility Operations
    • AC 302-005 – Runway Guard Light Installation Criteria
    • AC 302-006 – Publication of Special Reduced/Low Visibility Procedures in the Appropriate Aeronautical Information Publication(s)
    • AC 302-008 – Maintenance of Runway and Taxiway Lighting Systems
    • AC 302-009 – Precision Approach Path Indicator Harmonization with Instrument Landing System
    • AC 302-010 – Mobile Photometric Measuring Unit
    • AC 302-011 – Airport Pavement Bearing Strength Reporting
    • AC 302-012 – International Civil Aviation Organization Type A Obstacle Charts
    • AC 302-014 – Runway Ice Control Chemicals
    • AC 302-015 – Runway End Safety Area Bearing Strength Requirements
    • AC 302-016 – Airfield Pavement Management System
    • AC 302-017 – Runway Friction Measurement
    • AC 302-018 – Grandfathering at Airports Pursuant to Canadian Aviation Regulation (CAR) 302.07
    • AC 302-019 – Subject: Methodology for the Identification of the Aircraft Group Number
    • AC 302-020 – Mixed Operations at an Airport
    • AC 302-022 – National Exemption to CAR 302.07(1)(a)(ii)
    • AC 302-023 – Measurement and Evaluation of Runway Roughness
    • AC 302-025 – Airport Emergency Plan – Transportation of Passengers and Crew
    • AC 302-026 – Decelerometer Performance Specifications
    • AC 302-026 – Decelerometer Performance Specifications
    • AC 302-030 – Adherence to Standard During Periods of Construction
    • AC 302-031 – Publication Enhancements to Airport Information
    • AC 302-032 – Designation of International Airports in Canada
    • AC 302-033 – Step Intensity Settings for Aerodrome Lighting Systems
    • AC 305-001 – Standards Associated with H1 Classified Heliports
    • AC 305-002 – Rooftop Heliport Fire Fighting Protection
    • AC 307-001 – Canadian Aviation Regulation 307 – Aerodromes – Consultations
    • AC 400-001 – Application Guidelines for an Aviation Document Booklet
    • AC 400-003 – Foreign Licence Validation Certificates
    • AC 400-004 – Industry Invigilation of Computer Delivered Examinations
    • AC 401-001 – Application Guidelines for Aeroplane FAA to TCCA Licence Conversion Agreement
    • AC 401-002 – Application Guidelines for Flight Crew Permits and Licences
    • AC 401-003 – Application Guidelines for Helicopter FAA to TCCA Licence Conversion Agreement
    • AC 401-004 – Conduct of Instrument Proficiency Checks (IPC)
    • AC 401-005 – Maintaining Instrument Rating Privileges as stipulated in Exemption NCR 040-2015, Exemption from paragraph 401.03(1)(b) and  Section 401.48 of the Canadian Aviation Regulations
    • AC 401-009 – The Conduct of Aviation Language Proficiency Demonstrations
    • AC 406-002 – Issuance of Commercial Pilot Licence – Aeroplane for Students Enrolled in ATP(A) or CPL(A)/IR Integrated Courses
    • AC 408-001 – Pilot Examiner Monitoring Procedures – Aeroplane and Helicopter
    • AC 408-002 – Limiting the Number of “2” Assessments on Part IV Flight Tests
    • AC 421-001 – Flight Instructor Refresher Courses – Aeroplane and Helicopter
    • AC 500-001 – Audio Alerts and Warnings
    • AC 500-002 – Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing of Electrical and Electronic Equipment
    • AC 500-003 – Emergency Exits Exposed to Freezing Rain
    • AC 500-011 – Restricted Category Certification of Small Aeroplanes and Helicopters for Special Purpose Operations
    • AC 500-020 – Flight Management System (FMS) Barometric Vertical Navigation (VNAV) Temperature Compensation
    • AC 500-029 – Certification of Automatic Dependent Surveillance – Broadcast (ADS-B)
    • AC 500-030 – Alternative Agents for Aircraft Fire Extinguisher System
    • AC 505-002 – Airworthiness Control System for a Delegated Organisation (Aircraft Certification)
    • AC 505-003 – Safety Management Systems for Design Organizations
    • AC 505-005 – Aircraft Certification Delegate Handbook
    • AC 505-006 – Aircraft Certification Authorized Persons Located Outside Canada
    • AC 507-001 – Special Certificate of Airworthiness – Limited
    • AC 521-001 – Canadian Aviation Regulations 521: Division I – General – Table of Concordance
    • AC 521-002 – Type Certification Requirements of Aircraft, Engines and Propellers
    • AC 521-004 – Changes to the Type Design of an Aeronautical Product
    • AC 521-005 – Supplemental Type Certificates
    • AC 521-006 – Repair Design Approvals
    • AC 521-007 – Part Design Approvals
    • AC 521-009 – Division IX – Service Difficulty Reporting
    • AC 521-101 – Electronic Record-keeping Systems, Modeling Systems and Manuals
    • AC 522-001 – Acceptable Means of Compliance to Chapter 522 of the Airworthiness Manual – Gliders and Powered Gliders
    • AC 525-001 – Methodology for Establishing Takeoff and Landing Performance on Contaminated Runways
    • AC 529-001 – Emergency Egress From a Transport Category Rotorcraft After Experiencing a Rollover
    • AC 533-001 – Initial Maintenance Inspection
    • AC 549-001 – Amateur-built Aircraft Fuel Systems
    • AC 561-002 – Guidelines for Developing a Manufacturer Manual
    • AC 561-003 – Aircraft Production Test Flights
    • AC 561-004 – Acceptance of Type 2 Aeronautical Database Providers
    • AC 566-002 – AME Licence Issuance: Specialty Experience and Skill Acquired on SFAR 41C Aeroplanes
    • AC 566-003 – New Design of Aircraft Maintenance Engineer Licence
    • AC 571-002 – Maintenance Implementation Procedures – Bilateral Aviation Safety Agreement Between Canada and United States Reinstated
    • AC 571-004 – Installation Eligibility of Substitute or Replacement Bearings
    • AC 571-005 – Major Repair after Substantial Damage
    • AC 571-006 – Electronic Signatures and Electronic Exchange of the Authorized Release Certificate – Form One
    • AC 571-024 – Documentation Required for the Installation of Parts onto Canadian Registered Aircraft
    • AC 571-025 – Maintenance of Emergency Locator Transmitters (ELTs)
    • AC 573-002 – Aircraft Certifying Authorities Based on Foreign AME Licences
    • AC 573-003 – Trade Standards for Personnel Working in Approved Maintenance Organizations
    • AC 573-006 – Maintenance and Operations in Accordance with the Technical Arrangement – Maintenance Between Canada and the United Kingdom
    • AC 573-009 – Technical Arrangement – Maintenance Between Canada and Brazil
    • AC 600-003 – Regulations for Terrain Awareness Warning System
    • AC 600-005 – Fee Collection Changes Related to Processing of a Medical Certificate in Respect of a Pilot Licence or a Pilot Permit Other Than a Student Pilot Permit
    • AC 600-006 – Flight Deck Automation Policy and Manual Flying in Operations and Training
    • AC 600-007 – Aerial Applicators Regulations for Non-Certificated Operators (Flying Farmers)
    • AC 600-009 – Transport of Munitions of War by Foreign Air Operators
    • AC 601-001 – Mid-Point Tolerance for Wind Turbines of More Than 150 M in Height
    • AC 601-003 – Obstacle Light Monitoring, NOTAM and Repair
    • AC 601-004 – Subject: CL-810 Mid-point Lights, Azimuth Intensity Distribution
    • AC 601-005 – Meteorological Tower (MET) Notification
    • AC 601-006 – Viewshed Analysis for Design of Aircraft Detection System (ADS)
    • AC 601-007 – When to Submit an Aeronautical Assessment Form (AAF)
    • AC 601-008 – Repair of Obstacle Marking and Lighting
    • AC 601-009 – Criteria for Initiating a Blasting NOTAM
    • AC 602-001 – Operational Use of Remote On-Ground Ice Detection Systems (ROGIDS) for Post De-icing Applications
    • AC 602-002 – Aerodrome Operating Visibility
    • AC 602-003 – Legal Land Survey for AZR Clearance Attestation
    • AC 602-005 – Publication Enhancements to Airport Information in the Aeronautical Publications
    • AC 603-001 – Use of Night Vision Imaging Systems
    • AC 604-002 – Demonstration of Emergency Evacuation and Ditching Procedures – Private Operators
    • AC 604-003 – Exemption from Subsection 604.140(2) and Paragraph 604.143(1)(e) of the Canadian Aviation Regulations
    • AC 604-004 – Private Operator – Subpart 604 of the Canadian Aviation Regulations
    • AC 605-002 – Reliability Methods for Maintenance Schedule Amendment
    • AC 605-003 – Child Restraint Systems
    • AC 605-004 – Use of Safety Belts by Passengers and Crew Members
    • AC 605-005 – Alternative Means of Compliance (AMOC) with Airworthiness Directives Process
    • AC 605-006 – Pre-approved Aircraft Maintenance Schedule Tolerance
    • AC 623-001 – Sequential Listings of Aerobatic Manoeuvres and Weather Conditions
    • AC 623-002 – Amendment to the ICAS Ace Manual – Expiration Date of Statement of Aerobatic Competency (SAC) Cards
    • AC 700-001 – Procedures for the Carriage of Dangerous Goods to the Company Operations Manual
    • AC 700-002 – Carriage of Portable Oxygen Concentrators for Passenger Use on Board Aircraft
    • AC 700-004 – Regulations for Airborne Collision Avoidance System
    • AC 700-005 – Use of Transmitting Portable Electronic Devices
    • AC 700-007 – Airport Taxi-in/Taxi-out Requirements in Reduced/Low Visibility
    • AC 700-009 – Automatic Dependent Surveillance – Broadcast
    • AC 700-010 – Guide for Implementing Regulations Regarding Unruly Passengers and Incidents of Interference with a Crew Member
    • AC 700-011 – Operations on Runways with Unpaved Surfaces
    • AC 700-012 – Passenger Safety Briefings
    • AC 700-013 – Procedures and Training for the Preservation of Aircraft Recorded Data
    • AC 700-014 – Passenger Seating Requirements and Accessible Air Transportation
    • AC 700-015 – En Route Area Navigation Operations RNAV 5 (Formerly B-RNAV)
    • AC 700-016 – Compliance with Regulations and Standards for Engine-Inoperative Obstacle Avoidance
    • AC 700-017 – Flight Crew Member Qualifications – Sections 702.65 and 703.88 of the CARs – Grouping Method for Recurrent PPC Purposes of Aeroplanes with a MCTOW of 7,000 Pounds and Less, Operating Pursuant to Subparts 702 and 703 of the CARs
    • AC 700-018 – Flight Crew Member Qualifications – Sections 702.65 and 703.88 of the CARs – List of Approved and Cancelled Groupings for Recurrent PPC Purposes of Aeroplanes Operating Pursuant to Subparts 702 and 703 of the CARs
    • AC 700-019 – Terminal and En Route Area Navigation Operations (RNAV 1 and 2)
    • AC 700-020 – Electronic Flight Bags
    • AC 700-021 – Part VI and VII Regulations Cross-Reference to Aircraft Equipment and Installations
    • AC 700-022 – Air Operator Weight And Balance Control Procedures – Subparts 704 and 705 of the Canadian Aviation Regulations
    • AC 700-023 – Required Navigation Performance Approach (RNP APCH)
    • AC 700-024 – Required Navigation Performance Authorization Required Approach (RNP AR APCH)
    • AC 700-025 – Required Navigation Performance 1 (RNP 1)
    • AC 700-026 – Aircraft Eye Wheel Height Information
    • AC 700-027 – Radius to Fix (RF) Path Terminator
    • AC 700-028 – Vertical Path Control on Non-Precision Approaches
    • AC 700-029 – Prevention of Runway Incursions
    • AC 700-030 – Electronic Holdover Time (eHOT) Applications
    • AC 700-031 – Prevention and Recovery from Aeroplane Stalls
    • AC 700-032 – Protective Breathing Equipment
    • AC 700-034 – Low Flight, Take-off or Landing Within a Built Up Area
    • AC 700-035 – Special Authorization for Take-off Operations below RVR 600 down to and Including RVR 300
    • AC 700-036 – Brace for Impact Positions for all Aircraft Occupants
    • AC 700-038 – Performance-based Navigation (PBN) – Enroute
    • AC 700-039 – Requirements to obtain Reduced Vertical Separation Minimum (RVSM) Special Authorization
    • AC 700-041 – Subject: Performance-Based Communication and Surveillance (PBCS)
    • AC 700-042 – Crew Resources Management (CRM)
    • AC 700-045 – Exemption and Safety Case Process for Fatigue Risk Management Systems
    • AC 700-046 – Fatigue Risk Management System Requirements
    • AC 700-047 – Flight Crew Fatigue Management – Prescriptive Limitations
    • AC 700-048 – DHC-6 Twin Otter – Reduced Ground Roll Take-off: Special Authorization/Specific Approval and Guidance
    • AC 700-049 – Missed Approaches with Published Climb Gradients: Special Authorization and Guidance
    • AC 700-050 – Land and Hold Short Operations (LAHSO): Special Authorization and Guidance
    • AC 700-052 – Recording of Flight Time for Skid-Equipped Helicopters
    • AC 700-053 – SA CAT II: Special Authorization and Guidance
    • AC 700-054 – Scheduled Passenger Service Operations at Airports
    • AC 700-056 – Pilot Egress Training (Seaplane)
    • AC 700-057 – Global Reporting Format (GRF) for Runway Surface Conditions: Guidance for Flight Operations
    • AC 700-058 – Crew Member Uniform Materials and Protective Clothing
    • AC 700-059 – Safety Considerations of Personal Headsets, Protective Hearing Devices and Corded Devices in the Passenger Cabin
    • AC 700-060 – Braking Action Reports
    • AC 700-061 – Degree-Specific Holdover Times
    • AC 700-062 – Alternate Pilot Proficiency Check – Phased PPC
    • AC 700-063 – North Atlantic – High Level Airspace Operations (NAT HLA): Special Authorization/Specific Approval and Guidance
    • AC 700-065 – Potential for High Energy Fires Due to Lithium-Ion Batteries
    • AC 702-001 – The Carriage of Persons During Aerial Work Operations
    • AC 703-004 – Use of Segmented Passenger Weights by Commercial Air Operators Under Subpart 703 of the Canadian Aviation Regulations
    • AC 703-005 – Air Taxi CAR 703 Pilot Proficiency Check (PPC) Validity Period AC 705-001 – Bilingual Briefings at Window Emergency Exits
    • AC 704-002 – Guidance Regarding Amendment to Subpart 704 of the CARs, Division IV – Aircraft Performance Operating Limitations
    • AC 705-001 – Bilingual Briefings at Window Emergency Exits
    • AC 705-002 – Approval Process of Initial Flight Attendant Training Programs for Use by Multiple Air Operators
    • AC 705-003 – Line Checks and Quality Assurance in Subpart 705 Commercial Air Operations
    • AC 705-005 – Approach and Landing During Convective Weather Condition
    • AC 705-006 – Land and Hold Short Operations (LAHSO) Operations Specification 617
    • AC 705-007 – Bounced Landing Training for 705 Air Operators
    • AC 705-009 – Demonstration of Emergency Evacuation and Ditching Procedures – Airline Operations
    • AC 705-010 – Standardization of Portable Emergency Equipment and Emergency Procedures Pursuant to Sections 604.243 and 705.227 of the Canadian Aviation Regulations
    • AC 705-011 – Process for the Approval of a Flight Attendant Manager
    • AC 705-012 – Stowage of Disposable In-flight Service Waste in Aircraft Lavatories
    • AC 800-001 – Implementation Procedures for Safety Management Systems for Air Traffic Services Operations Certificate Holders
    • AC 801-001 – Contents of ATS Site Manual
    • AC 803-001 – Transport Canada Publication TP308/GPH209 – Change 8.0 Criteria for the Development of Instrument Procedures
    • AC 803-003 – TP308/GPH209 – Diverse Departure Climb Gradient
    • AC 803-004 – Restricted Instrument Procedures
    • AC 803-009 – TP 308 Non-Standard Procedures
    • AC 803-011 – Formal Arrangements – Aeronautical Data/Information
    • AC 903-001 – Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems Operational Risk Assessment
    • AC 903-002 – Application Guidelines for a Special Flight Operations Certificate for a Remotely Piloted Aircraft System (SFOC- RPAS)
    • AC 922-001 – Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems Safety Assurance
    • AC SUR-004 – Civil Aviation Surveillance Program
  • Civil Aviation Directives (CAD) (Issued After 01 Feb 2007)
    • CAD ADM-001 – Communications and Stakeholder Engagement
    • CAD ADM-007 – Civil Aviation Management of Information Technology
    • CAD FIN-003 – Recovering the Incremental Costs of Providing Services Inside/Outside Canada
    • CAD GEN-002 – Use and Protection of Proprietary Information and Documents
    • CAD QUA-001 – Civil Aviation Integrated Management System
    • CAD QUA-002 – Civil Aviation Documentation Framework
    • CAD QUA-007 – Transport Canada Civil Aviation Integrated Risk Management Framework
    • CAD QUA-009 – Civil Aviation Service Standards Framework
    • CAD QUA-011 – Civil Aviation Internal Quality Assurance
    • CAD QUA-015 – Integrated Planning, Monitoring and Reporting Framework (IPMRF)
    • CAD QUA-018 – Civil Aviation Strategic Safety Risk Management Framework
    • CAD QUA-019 – ICAO Compliance Policy
    • CAD REG-003 – Exemptions from Regulatory Requirements
    • CAD REG-009 – Policy on the Use and Management of the Transport Canada Civil Aviation (TCCA) Consolidated Record of Authorities and Official Credentials
    • CAD SUR-008 – Surveillance Policy
    • CAD SUR-022 – Policy on the publication of Enforcement Action Summaries
    • CAD SUR-024 – Surveillance Policy – Foreign Operators
    • CAD 107-004 – Aviation Enforcement – Safety Management Systems
    • CAD 107-005 – Safety Partnership Programs Framework
  • Staff Instructions (SI) (Issued After 01 Feb 2007)
    • SI ADM-002 – Responses to High Profile Aviation Occurrences
    • SI ADM-006 – Activity Reporting and Standards System (ARASS)
    • SI ADM-013 – Information Management in Civil Aviation
    • SI ADM-016-Y – Civil Aviation Postage, Freight and Courier Services
    • SI ADM-017-Y – Centralized Services of Office Supplies for Civil Aviation (Headquarters)
    • SI ADM-018-Y – Service Level Agreement – Between Management Services, Centralized Administrative Services Division and Civil Aviation Headquarters Branches
    • SI ADM-026 – Transport Canada Civil Aviation Response to External Investigating Authorities
    • SI ADM-033 – Civil Aviation Process for Identification of Learning
    • SI ADM-034 – Civil Aviation Systems Approach to Learning
    • SI ADM-036 – Civil Aviation IT Project Proposal and Initiation Procedure
    • SI ADM-037 – Civil Aviation Business IT Investment Sub-committee IT Project Proposal Evaluation Procedure
    • SI ADM-042 – Civil Aviation Forms Design Development Procedures
    • SI ADM-047 – International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) State Letter Process
    • SI ADM-048 – Procedural Guidance for Cabin Safety Inspectors
    • SI ADM-050 – Procedures for Aircraft and Runway Stop Group Determination
    • SI ADM-051 – State Civil Aviation Transport Canada Auditors for ICAO Missions
    • SI ADM-052-Y – Linguistic Services in Civil Aviation
    • SI ADM-054 – Gifts, Meeting Keepsakes and Hospitalities
    • SI ADM-055 – Service Standard Tracking Sheet, Aircraft Certification
    • SI ADM-058 – Technical Inspection (TI) – Aviation Group Aircraft Maintenance Engineer (AME) Licence Renewal Fee
    • SI ADM-059 – Transport Canada Civil Aviation Flying Program
    • SI ADM-061 – Minister’s Observer / Technical Advisor (MOTA) Procedures
    • SI DAN-001 – Inspection Procedures for Highway Tanks Used on Aerodrome Property
    • SI LTA-001 – Clarification Concerning the Expression “Normally Employed” Found in the Canada Labour Code, Part II
    • SI GEN-003 – Technical Reference Centre Holdings and Operations
    • SI GEN-012-Y – Acquisition of Civil Aviation Calling Cards (Business Cards)
    • SI GEN-015 – Request and Provision of Guidance – National Aviation Safety Information Management System
    • SI GEN-017 – Clothing and Equipment Entitlements and Guidelines: Civil Aviation Safety Inspector (CASI), Delegated Officer (DO), and Minister’s Observer (MO)
    • SI GEN-018 – Technical Reference Centre Policies and Procedures
    • SI GEN-021 – Shared Skies Program
    • SI QUA-003 – Civil Aviation Document Development Procedures
    • SI QUA-004 – Civil Aviation Project Management Framework
    • SI QUA-008 – Risk Management Process for Oversight Activities
    • SI QUA-010 – Civil Aviation Service Standards Improvement Process
    • SI QUA-012 – Civil Aviation Procedure for the Conduct of an Integrated Management System (IMS) Self-Assessment
    • SI QUA-013 – Civil Aviation Procedure for the Conduct of an Integrated Management System (IMS) Formal Assessment
    • SI QUA-014 – Transport Canada Civil Aviation Technical Program Evaluation
    • SI QUA-016 – Civil Aviation Integrated Business Planning and Reporting
    • SI QUA-018 – Civil Aviation Management Review
    • SI QUA-020 – Procedures for Developing and Implementing a Corrective Action Plan (CAP)
    • SI QUA-021 – Surveillance Quality Assurance Program
    • SI REG-004 – Process for the Assessment of Exemptions from the Canadian Aviation Regulations
    • SI REG-008 – Civil Aviation process for Reconsideration of Tribunal Decisions
    • SI REG-010 – Processing Exemptions from Airport Zoning Regulations
    • SI REG-014 – Process and Procedures Associated with the Transport Canada Civil Aviation (TCCA) Consolidated Record of Authorities and Official Credentials
    • SI SUR-001 – Surveillance Procedures
    • SI SUR-002 – Enhanced Monitoring Program
    • SI SUR-006 – Safety Management Systems – Civil Aviation Non-Compliance Event Review
    • SI SUR-007 – Fatigue Risk Management System Assessment Guide
    • SI SUR-014 – Suspension or Cancellation of Canadian Aviation Documents for Safety Reasons
    • SI SUR-015 – Refusal or Revocation of Non-Canadian Aviation Document Ministerial Approvals
    • SI SUR-016 – Suspension or Cancellation of Canadian Aviation Documents for Regulatory Purposes (Ref. S. 6.8 of the Aeronautics Act)
    • SI SUR-020 – Pilot Examiner Monitoring Procedures
    • SI SUR-025 – Ramp Surveillance Planning and Procedures – Foreign Operators
    • SI SUR-027 – Oversight Advisory Board (OAB)
    • SI SUR-028 – Surveillance Planning Instructions – Fiscal Year 2020-2021
    • SI SUR-029 – Writing Findings for Non-Compliance
    • SI SUR-031 – CAR Part IX RPAS Flight Reviewer and TP 15263 Self- declared Training Provider Surveillance
    • SI SUR-034 – Targeted Inspection Program
    • SI SUR-035 – CADORS Follow-up
    • SI SUR-036 – Enforcement Record Check Procedures
    • SI 103-001 – Aviation Enforcement Procedures
    • SI 106-001 – Validation of an Accountable Executive
    • SI 200-001 – Registration of Aircraft Subject to an Irrevocable De-Registration and Export Request Authorisation according to the Cape Town Convention and Protocol
    • SI 300-001 – Airport Zoning Regulation
    • SI 300-002 – Precision Approach Path Indicator Flight Check
    • SI 302-001 – Assessment and Issuance of Conditions to an Airport or Heliport Certificate
    • SI 302-002 – National Exemption to the Canadian Aviation Regulations (CAR) 302.07 (1)(a)(ii)
    • SI 305-001 – Aerial Assessment Requirements Prior to Heliport Certification
    • SI 307-001 – CAR 307 – Aerodromes – Consultations
    • SI 400-001 – Flight Crew Licensing
    • SI 400-003 – Administering Examinations for Flight Crew and Dispatchers
    • SI 400-004 – Aviation Document Booklet
    • SI 400-005 – Foreign Licence Validation Certificate
    • SI 400-006-Y – Development of Flight Crew Examinations
    • SI 401-001 – Conversion of FAA Pilot Certificates
    • SI 401-002 – Approved Check Pilot Expanded Authority
    • SI 401-003 – Issuance of a Private Pilot Licence – Aeroplane
    • SI 401-004 -Requirement of Additional Training in Helicopters to Qualify for Chinese Commercial Pilot Licence-Helicopters (CPL-H) Pursuant to Canadian CPL-H
    • SI 404-002 – Civil Aviation Medicine Cannabis Policy
    • SI 404-004 – Depression and Antidepressant Medications
    • SI 404-005 – Medications and Aviation Medical Certification
    • SI 404-006 – Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
    • SI 407-001 – Multi-crew Pilot Licence Training Programs – Objectives and Requirements
    • SI 500-002 – Approval of Airworthiness Limitations – Regional Aircraft Certification Projects
    • SI 500-003 – Aircraft Certification Level of Involvement
    • SI 500-004 – Development, Approval and Publication of Special Conditions – Airworthiness
    • SI 500-005 – Eligibility of American and Mexican Registered Aircraft for Operation Under the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
    • SI 500-018 – Design Approval Document Transfers under CAR 521: Division VIII – Responsibilities of a Design Approval Document Holder
    • SI 500-020 – Ferry Fuel System – Field Acceptance Criteria
    • SI 500-021 – Review and Approval of Flight Test Operations Manual
    • SI 500-024 – Airworthiness Evaluation of the Installation of IFR Equipment to Allow the Removal of the “VFR Only” Operating Condition from the Special Certificate of Airworthiness – Amateur-Built
    • SI 500-027 – The Aircraft Certification Program in Transport Canada Civil Aviation
    • SI 501-001 – Annual Airworthiness Information Report (AAIR)
    • SI 505-001 – Delegation of Authority Process – Aircraft Certification
    • SI 505-002 – Basic Standards for Training Delivered by Delegates
    • SI 511-001 – Type Certification of Foreign Aeronautical Products – Determining the Level of Airworthiness Review
    • SI 511-004 – Type Certification of Foreign Aeronautical Products
    • SI 511-007 – Transport Canada Support for the Aviation Register of the Interstate Aviation Committee
    • SI 513-002 – Reciprocal Acceptance of Repair Design Approvals Between the FAA and TCSI 513-003 – Acceptance and Approval of Foreign Design Changes
    • SI 513-003 – Acceptance and Approval of Foreign Design Changes
    • SI 513-004 – Alternate Maximum Certified Weight Approval
    • SI 521-002 – Type Certification of Aeronautical Products
    • SI 521-004 Changes to the Type Design of an Aeronautical Product
    • SI 521-005 – Supplemental Type Certificates
    • SI 521-006 – Repair Design Approvals
    • SI 521-007 – Part Design Approvals
    • SI 521-009 – Division IX – Service Difficulty Reporting
    • SI 521-101 – Surrender, Abandonment, Suspension, or Cancellation of Design Approval Documents
    • SI 529-002 – Kamov Ka-32A11BC Transport Category Rotorcraft Design Changes
    • SI 537-001 – Application for a Federal Aviation Administration Letter of Technical Standard Order Design Approval
    • SI 561-001 – Acceptance of Type 2 Aeronautical Database Providers
    • SI 573-002 – Application of the Transport Canada Civil Aviation-European Aviation Safety Agency Maintenance Annex Guidance
    • SI 573-003 – Application of the Transport Canada Civil Aviation-Federal Aviation Administration Maintenance Implementation Procedures
    • SI 573-004 – Application Procedures for the TCCA – UK CAA Technical Arrangement – Maintenance
    • SI 573-009 – Application Procedures for the TCCA – ANAC Technical Arrangement – Maintenance
    • SI 549-001 – Conversion of Commercially-produced Aircraft and Use of Commercially-produced Parts in Amateur-built Aircraft Projects
    • SI 566-001 – Multiple-Choice Examination Question Development
    • SI 600-001 – Agricultural Aeroplane Operations – Exemption from Subsection 605.03(1)(b) and Section 602.07 of the Canadian Aviation Regulations
    • SI 601-002 – Obstacle Assessment Process
    • SI 602-002 – Aircraft Critical Surface Contamination Surveillance and Monitoring Strategies
    • SI 605-002 – Alternative Means of Compliance (AMOC) with Airworthiness Directives Process
    • SI 623-001 – Review and Processing of an Application for a Special Flight Operations Certificate for the Operation of an Unmanned Air Vehicle (UAV) System
    • SI 700-002 – Approved Check Pilot Monitoring Procedures
    • SI 700-003 – Review and Approval of Air Operator Submitted Helicopter Offshore Approach Procedures
    • SI 700-005 – Approval Process for Level 7 Flight Training Devices for Commercial Operators – Approved Helicopter Pilot Training Programs
    • SI 700-006 – Protective Breathing Equipment
    • SI 700-009 – Fatigue Risk Management Systems – Review Procedures
    • SI 725-001 – Flight Dispatcher Generic Examinations
    • SI 800-001-Y – Procedures for Approval of Training in the Interpretation and Application of Standards and Criteria for the Development of Instrument Procedures
    • SI 804-001 – Provision of Aviation Weather Elements of Standard Approach Information Services
    • SI 804-002 – Provision of Aviation Weather Elements by Automatic Instrumentation (AWOS/LWIS and Individual Sensors)
    • SI 804-003 – Dissemination of Non-aviation Weather Information for Aviation Purposes
    • SI 903-002 – Processing of an Application for a Special Flight Operations Certificate for the Operation of a Remotely Piloted Aircraft System (SFOC-RPAS)
  • Supplementary Staff Instructions (SSI) (Issued After 01 Feb 2007)
    • SSI ADM-001 – Processing an Access to Information and Privacy (ATIP) Request
    • SSI ADM-001-M – Document Consultation Procedures – Atlantic Region
    • SSI ADM-001-T – Access to Information and Privacy (ATIP)
    • SSI ADM-002-F – Reporting Information on High Visibility Occurrences
    • SSI ADM-002-M – ccmMercury Business Rules – Civil Aviation Operations – Atlantic Region
    • SSI ADM-002-N – High Profile Occurrences and Notes for the Minister’s Office – Question Period
    • SSI ADM-004-T – Briefing Documents
    • SSI ADM-008-S – Quick Reference List
    • SSI ADM-009-A – Roles and Responsibilities in Application Development and Technology Management (ADTM)
    • SSI ADM-010-C – Procedures for Aviation Terminology and Linguistic Services Division Personnel – English Editor-Terminologist
    • SSI ADM-011-C – Procedures for Aviation Terminology and Linguistic Services Division Personnel – French Editor-Terminologist
    • SSI ADM-012-C – Procedures for Aviation Terminology and Linguistic Services Division Personnel – Service Co-ordinator
    • SSI ADM-019-A – Equipment Loan Procedures for Controlled Items, Management Services, Civil Aviation
    • SSI ADM-021-F – Acquisition and Usage of BlackBerry Devices in National Operations
    • SSI ADM-024-F – Electronic Transfer of Large Files
    • SSI ADM-025-A – Digital Asset Management (DAM), Multimedia Products and Services (MPS) Division
    • SSI ADM-028-YF – National Operations Telework Arrangements
    • SSI ADM-038-S – Retention and Safekeeping of Official Passports within Standards Branch, Civil Aviation
    • SSI ADM-041-T – Records, Documents and Information Management Systems (RDIMS) Business Rules
    • SSI ADM-049-YD – Building Access Procedures to 159 Cleopatra Drive, Nepean, Ontario
    • SSI ADM-050-YF – National Operations Branch Standard Operating Procedures – Common Information and Branch Administrative Processes and Procedures
    • SSI ADM-058-D – Retention and Maintenance of Aeronautical Product Manufacturer, Make, and Model information
    • SSI ADM-059-D – Application of Electronic Signatures in National Aircraft Certification
    • SSI ADM-060-D – Management of the In-Service Investigation Mailbox by the Continuing Airworthiness Division of National Aircraft Certification
    • SSI GEN-013-A – Operation, Use and Maintenance of Departmental Motor Vehicles and Materials Handling Equipment (MHE) within the Management Services Branch
    • SSI GEN-014-A – Multimedia Products and Services (MPS) Division’s Process for the Issuance of Transport Canada Identification/Access Card to MPS Personnel
    • SSI GEN-018-N – Policies and Procedures Specific to the Technical Reference Centre – Quebec Region
    • SSI GEN-019-A – Portable Radio Operations, Multimedia Products and Services (MPS) Division
    • SSI QUA-003-D – Development of Civil Aviation Safety Alerts – National Aircraft Certification Branch
    • SSI QUA-014-S – Program Evaluation – Evaluability Assessments and Performance Monitoring
    • SSI QUA-021-F – Process Control, Quality Control and Quality Assurance of Surveillance Activities
    • SSI REG-004-H – Processing Exemption Requests in AARR
    • SSI REG-004-N – Regional Process for Regulatory Exemptions
    • SSI REG-004-T – Regional Regulatory Exemptions
    • SSI SUR-001-D – Surveillance Procedures for National Aircraft Certification
    • SSI SUR-001-F – Surveillance Procedures – ANS Operations
    • SSI SUR-001-N – Regional Surveillance Program Responsibilities
    • SSI SUR-010-N – Minister Delegate – Maintenance (MD-M) and Production (MD-P)
    • SSI SUR-017-T – Maintenance Schedules Approval
    • SSI SUR-018-T – Parallel Observations and Findings Procedures
    • SSI SUR-028-F – Surveillance Planning and Reporting for National Operations
    • SSI SUR-035-N – CADORS Follow-up
    • SSI 500-006-P – Recreational Aviation
    • SSI 500-023-T – Approved Organization Certificates
    • SSI 501-001-N – Annual Airworthiness Information Report (AAIR) Quality Review
    • SSI 521-101-D – Continuing Airworthiness Review Board (CARB) Process
    • SSI 521-102-D – Review of Mandatory Continuing Airworthiness Information for Foreign Aeronautical Products
    • SSI 700-004-T – Safety Features Card Acceptance Process
  • Internal Process Bulletins (IPB)
    • IPB 2014-02 – Temporary Changes to the Procedure for the Issuance of Regional Exemptions from the Canadian Aviation Regulations
    • IPB 2012-03 – Proposed Changes to Reporting Criteria for High Profile Events
    • IPB 2014-05 – AWM 563 Distributers
    • IPB 2015-02 – Changes to the Assessment of Experience Acquired on Special Federal Aviation Regulation (SFAR) 41C Certified Aircraft by an AME Licence Applicant Requesting an M1 Or M2 Rating
    • IPB 2015-04 – Guidance as it Relates to Model Aircraft and Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Activities
    • IPB 2015-05 – Overdue Pilot Accounts
    • IPB 2015-15 – Immediate Change to the Procedure for the Issuance of Exemptions from the Canadian Aviation Regulations
    • IPB 2015-17 – Process to Determine Office of Primary Interest (OPI) for Enterprises
    • IPB 2016-07 – Use of the National Aircraft Type Resource Tool (NATRT)
    • IPB 2017-01 – Replacement of the Operating Conditions and Special Certificates of Airworthiness – Limited Issued Under Exemptions Dated Before 2017
    • IPB 2017-05 – AME Licence Photograph and Validity Period Changes
    • IPB 2018-01 – Guidance on the Assessment of Global Positioning System (GPS) Functionality in Flight Training Devices (FTD) Used for Instrument Proficiency Checks (IPC)
    • IPB 2019-02 – Changes to the Aircraft Maintenance Engineer (AME) System and the AME Licence
    • IPB 2019-03 – Changes to Aircraft Registration Procedures
    • IPB 2019-04 – Flight of an Aircraft Displaying Marks Assigned to a Manufacturer into the United States of America
    • IPB 2020-02 – Interim Changes for the Delivery of Basic Training Programs by Approved Training Organizations Made Necessary by (COVID-19 Disruptions)
    • IPB 2020-06 – Delivery of Approved Aircraft Type Maintenance Training by Other Than Classroom Methods
    • IPB 2020-08 – Interim Changes to the AME Licence Application and Approval Procedures
    • IPB 2020-12 – TCCA Approval of the Undocumented Parts Process
    • IPB 2020-14 – Remote Surveillance During the COVID-19 Pandemic
    • IPB 2020-17 – Acceptance of FAA Supplemental Type Certificates for Eligible U.S. State of Design Parts 23 and 27 Aircraft
    • IPB 2020-18 – Discontinuation of Embossing Seals and Special Paper
    • IPB 2021-02 – Issuance of Restricted Certification Authority (RCA) for Exemptions NCR-121-2020, NCR-122-2020 and NCR-123-2020
    • IPB 2021-03 – Supporting Guidance to SI 903-002 Processing of an Application for a Special Flight Operations Certificate for the Operation of a Remotely Piloted Aircraft System (SFOC-RPAS)
    • IPB 2021-05 – Memorandum of Understanding Between the Department of National Defence and the Canadian Armed Forces and Transport Canada, Concerning the Responsibilities for Canadian Civil Registered Aircraft Performing Activities Relating to Defence for the Department of National Defence and the Canadian Armed Forces
    • IPB 2021-07 – Interim Changes to Limitations for Issuance of Aircraft Certification Authority Based on Foreign Qualifications Made Necessary by COVID-19 Disruptions
    • IPB 2022-03 – AME Licence Examination Accommodation Policy
    • IPB 2022-05 – Introduction of New Electronic AME Licence Application Forms
    • IPB 2022-07 – Foreign Electronic Personnel Licences (EPL)
    • IPB 2022-08 – Regional and Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems Task Force (RPAS TF) Responsibilities Relating to the Part IX SFOC Application Process
    • IPB 2023-02 – Trial Project: Evaluation of Unapproved Basic Training and Delivery of Gap Training by an Approved Training Organization – Basic Training
    • IPB 2023-03 – Operational Evaluation Requirement for Commercial Operations of Special Certificate Of Airworthiness Limited Aircraft
    • IPB 2023-04 – SI SUR-001 Sections 12-16 Superseded BY SI SUR-029 Issue 03
    • IPB 2024-01 – Verification of Foreign Aviation Documents
    • IPB 2024-02 – Operation of Aircraft With A Special Certificate of Airworthiness – Limited in Actual or Proposed CAR 702 Aerial Work
    • IPB 2024-03 – FRMS Surveillance and Enforcement
    • IPB 2024-04 – NVG Operations Considering 5G Interference and The Requirement for a Serviceable Radar Altimeter (RADALT)
    • IPB 2024-05 – Resolution of Observations when an AMO is Approved/Recognized In Accordance with the Maintenance Annex Guidance (MAG) Between EASA And TCCA and/or the Technical Arrangement for Maintenance (TA-M) Between the JCAB and TCCA
  • Civil Aviation Safety Alert (CASA)
    • CASA 2010-01 – Introduction of the Civil Aviation Safety Alert
    • CASA 2010-02 – Added Elevator Force Required for Takeoff Rotation on Airplanes with Unpowered Elevator Controls when Treated with Thickened (Type II or IV) Anti-Icing Fluids
    • CASA 2011-01 – Safety Information Regarding Ground and Airborne Icing
    • CASA 2011-02 – Piper PA-25 Main Landing Gear Hydrasorb Shock Absorber Assemblies
    • CASA 2011-03 – Voluntary Adoption of Floatplane Safety Best Industry Practices
    • CASA 2011-04 – Zenair CH2000 Nose Landing Gear Weld Cracking
    • CASA 2011-05 – Extremely Flammable Substance Discovered in Baggage and Cargo
    • CASA 2011-06 – Elevator Trim Actuator – Failure Cessna U206F
    • CASA 2011-07 – Nose Landing Gear Fork Assembly – Inspection / Replacement
    • CASA 2012-01 – Windshield Cracking and Electrical Arcing Due to Loose Windshield Heater Electrical Terminal
    • CASA 2012-02 – Inadvertent Activation of the Master Power Emergency Switch by the Co-Pilot Sunvisor Interference
    • CASA 2013-01 – Unapproved Equipment Installation and/or Configuration of the Aeroplane
    • CASA 2013-02 – Bombardier Rotax 912 and 914 “UL” Series Engines
    • CASA 2013-03 – Potential for AS350/EC130 Engine Inlet (Plenum) Icing
    • CASA 2013-04 – Defective Standard Aircraft Hardware – Self-locking Nuts – MS21042 and NAS1291
    • CASA 2013-05 – Accumulation of Aircraft Anti-Icing Fluid (SAE Type IV) on Runways
    • CASA 2013-06 – Potential Jam of the Manual Gear Release Cable on Bombardier Cl-600-2B19 Aeroplanes
    • CASA 2013-07 – Importance of Compressor and Turbine Washes (All PT6A)
    • CASA 2013-08 – BAE Series 3100 and 3200 (Jetstream) Landing Gear Component Life Limits
    • CASA 2014-01 – Galley or Lavatory Water Heater Overheat
    • CASA 2014-02 – Installation in DHC-2 Aeroplanes not Originally Equipped of an Artificial Stall Warning System
    • CASA 2014-03 – Using SMS to Address Hazards and Risks Associated with Unstable Approaches
    • CASA 2014-04 – Negative Torque Sensing System (NTS)
    • CASA 2014-05 – Preventive Maintenance of Inpavement Lights
    • CASA 2015-01 – Robinson R44 Main Rotor Blade Fatigue Cracks
    • CASA 2015-02 – Safety Notice to Air Operators, Foreign Air Operators and Private Operators, Using Engine-Out Departure Procedures (EODP) and Engine-Out Missed Approach Procedures (EOMAP)
    • CASA 2015-03 – PW500 Series Engines Operated Infrequently and Use of 3rd Generation Oil
    • CASA 2015-04 – Stabilized Approach
    • CASA 2015-05 – Unmanned Aircraft Interference with Manned Aircraft Operations Including Near Forest Fires – Safety Impact and Consequences
    • CASA 2016-01 – Oil Discoloration Associated with Carbon Particles
    • CASA 2016-03 – In-Flight Shutdowns Resulting from High Pressure Turbine Blade Distress Due to Operation in Harsh Environments
    • CASA 2016-04 – Transportation of Lithium ION or Lithium Metal Batteries as Cargo on Aircraft
    • CASA 2016-05 – Unapproved Parts Notification Affecting Parts Manufactured, Sold or Distributed by Ameri-King Corporation
    • CASA 2016-06 – Boeing B75N1 Equipped with Hartzell Model 11C1 Propeller Blades
    • CASA 2016-07 – Importance of Proper Storage Practices
    • CASA 2016-08 – United States Implementation of Takeoff and Landing Performance Assessment (TALPA)
    • CASA 2016-09 – Pilot Proficiency Checks
    • CASA 2016-10 – Nose Landing Gear Failure to Extend
    • CASA 2016-11 – Inspection and Replacement of Engine Mount Legs on Bell Helicopter Model 206L-Series Helicopters
    • CASA 2016-12 – Update – Prohibition of Samsung Galaxy Note 7 Smartphones
    • CASA 2016-13 – Oil System Servicing
    • CASA 2016-14 – Piper PA-28 Control Column Tee Bar Assembly Cracking and Failure
    • CASA 2017-01 – Robinson R22 Main Rotor Blade Fatigue Cracks
    • CASA 2017-02 – Loss of Hardware – Tail Rotor Drive Shaft Couplings
    • CASA 2017-03 – Replacement of the Operating Conditions and Special Certificates of Airworthiness – Limited Issued Under Exemptions Dated Before 2017
    • CASA 2017-05 – Post Compressor Wash Drying Runs
    • CASA 2017-06 – Unapproved Parts Alert: Unapproved Batteries Installed or Intended to be Installed on Ameri-King Corporation AK-451 Model Emergency Locator Transmitters
    • CASA 2017-07 – Bell Helicopter 204B Tail Rotor Pitch Change Chain Configuration Control
    • CASA 2017-08 – Operational Level of Language Proficiency Prior to Engaging in Radiotelephony Communications
    • CASA 2017-09 – Use of Holdover Timetables and Holdover Time Determination Systems in Heavy Snow Conditions
    • CASA 2018-01 – Potential Safety Issues Associated with RNAV Approaches Which Have Track Changes at the Final Aapproach Fix/Final Approach Waypoint (FAF/FAWP)
    • CASA 2018-02 – Use of Seatbelts and Cargo Security
    • CASA 2018-03 – Kobe Steel Ltd. Possible Non-conforming Material
    • CASA 2018-04 – Passengers Retrieving Carry-on baggage During Evacuations
    • CASA 2018-05 – Pratt & Whitney PT6B-37A Engines with Fuel Control Units Overhauled after December 2016
    • CASA 2018-06 – Airport Lighting Deficient Lamps
    • CASA 2018-07 – Performance Data (Performance Information) Requirements for Subpart 705 Air Operators
    • CASA 2018-08 – Operations with Aeroplanes Utilizing TALPA-Based Performance Information to Calculate Landing Distance
    • CASA 2018-09 – The Global Aeronautical Distress and Safety System (GADSS) and Aircraft Tracking
    • CASA 2018-10 – Cracking of Main Rotor Transmission Bevel Gears
    • CASA 2019-01 – DHC-3 Front Float Strut Vulnerable to Fracture
    • CASA 2019-02 – Quad City Challenger II Lift Strut Brackets
    • CASA 2019-04 – P&WC PT6B-37A Engines – Compliance with Airworthiness Directive CF-2019-05
    • CASA 2019-05 – Bell 206L Cracks in Fuselage
    • CASA 2019-06 – External Hoist Hook Bumper is Vulnerable to Incorrect Assembly
    • CASA 2019-07 – Reducing Risk of Carbon Monoxide Poisoning in General Aviation Aircraft
    • CASA 2019-08 – Suspected Unapproved Parts Alert: Aircraft Parts Distributed by Sofly Aviation Services, Inc.
    • CASA 2019-09 – Use of SAE Type I fluid as an Anti-icing fluid
    • CASA 2019-11 – Helicopter External Loads
    • CASA 2020-01 – Inspection of the Translating Cowl Doors
    • CASA 2020-02 – Differential Settings for Precision Approach Path Indicator (PAPI)
    • CASA 2020-03 – COVID-19: Interim Health Guidance for Private and Commercial Air Operators and Crew Members
    • CASA 2020-05 – Inspection of Emergency Locator Transmitter (ELT)
    • CASA 2020-06 – Concurrent Operations of Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS) and Other Aircraft Types in Close Proximity
    • CASA 2020-07 – Crew Oxygen Mask Stowage Cup Non-Radiused Latch Tabs Preventing Full Face Crew Oxygen Mask Removal
    • CASA 2020-08 – DASH 8-400 (Q400) Forward Cowl Door Departure from the Aircraft on Take-off
    • CASA 2020-09 – PW901A and PW901C Auxiliary Power Unit Fires
    • CASA 2020-10 – Horizontal Stabilizer Fitting – Loose Bolts
    • CASA 2020-11 – Revised date for Canadian Implementation of Global Reporting Format (GRF) for Runway Surface Conditions and Interim Reporting of CRFI by Runway Thirds
    • CASA 2020-12 – Flight Control Protection from Damage by Strong Winds
    • CASA 2020-13 – Broken Brake Control Valve (BCV) Spring
    • CASA 2020-15 – Transportation of Vaccines Using Large Quantities of Solid Carbon Dioxide (Dry Ice)
    • CASA 2021-01 – Returning Aircraft to Service that Have Been Parked or Stored During the COVID-19 Pandemic
    • CASA 2021-02 – Aluminum Seat Belt Mounting Bracket Failures
    • CASA 2021-03 – Inaccurate Airborne Status Transmitted by Transponders and its Effect on Runway Monitoring and Conflict Alert
    • CASA 2021-06 – Dash-8-401 and -402 Electrical Connector
    • CASA 2021-08 – Potential Risk of Interference of 5G Signals on Radio Altimeter
    • CASA 2021-09 – PW305A Engine In-Flight Shutdown Events Due to Failure of Smiths Electronic Engine Control Units
    • CASA 2021-10 – BD-500-1A10 and -1A11 Takeoff with Incorrect Throttle Setting
    • CASA 2021-11 – Operation of Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS) Near Wildfires
    • CASA 2021-12 – Low Pressure Flexible Oxygen Hose Cracking
    • CASA 2022-01 – Limitation of Land and Hold Short Operations (LAHSO) to Dry Runways Only
    • CASA 2022-02 – Amendments to TP 9155 – The MMEL/MEL Policy and Procedures Manual
    • CASA 2022-03 – Cracks in the Anti-torque Bracket Assemblies
    • CASA 2022-04 – Missing or Improperly Installed Stabilizer Actuator Lock Ring
    • CASA 2022-05 – Circuit Breaker Panels #1 and #2 – Inadequate Torque on Mounting Hardware
    • CASA 2022-06 – SAE Type II, III and IV Aircraft Anti-Icing Fluid Application Guidance
    • CASA 2023-01 – Type IV Aircraft Deicing/Anti-Icing Fluid DOW Chemical UCAR Endurance EG106 Not Within Manufacturer’s Specification
    • CASA 2023-02 – Oxygen – Portable Protective Breathing Equipment (PBE) – Missing PBE in the Forward Area of the Aeroplane
    • CASA 2023-03 – Safety Valve – Opening During Normal Operation and Ingestion of Insulation Blankets
    • CASA 2023-04 – Suspected Unapproved Parts from a Bell Helicopter Textron Model 206B, Aircraft Registration N536T, Serial Number 3195
    • CASA 2023-05 – Suspected Unapproved Parts Distributed by AOG Technics Limited
    • CASA 2023-06 – Potential Risk of Interference of 5G Signals on Radio Altimeter
    • CASA 2023-07 – Degraded Anti-Skid Performance when Landing on a Contaminated Runway
    • CASA 2024-01 – Incorrectly Installed Outflow Valve (OFV) Coupling
    • CASA 2024-02 – Documentation Required for Installation of Parts Associated with Grandfathered FAA STC Design Approvals Under the FAA-TCCA
    • CASA 2024-03 – Inboard Flap Spigot Tube And Mid And Outboard Flap Corrosion
    • CASA 2024-04 – Loose Bolts and Missing Sealant at the Fuel Boost Pump Canister to Wing Rib 6 Interface
    • CASA 2024-05 – Potential Risk of Interference of 5G Signals on Radio Altimeter
    • CASA 2024-06 – Operation of Aircraft with a Special Certificate of Airworthiness – Limited in Actual or Proposed CAR 702 Aerial Work
  • Commercial & Business Aviation Advisory Circulars (CBAACs)
    • CBAAC 0256 – Low Visibility Take-off Airport Requirements
    • CBAAC 0249 – Pilot Self-Training for Canadian Air Operators Operating Under Subparts 702 and 703 of the Canadian Aviation Regulations
    • CBAAC 0242 – Verification of Cargo Weights
    • CBAAC 0241 – Use of Computer Programs to Monitor Flight Time and Flight Duty Time Limitations and Rest Periods
    • CBAAC 0239 – Pilot Monitored Approach
    • CBAAC 0237 – Changes to the Approach Ban
    • CBAAC 0234 – Planning and Monitoring Enroute Fuel Requirements
    • CBAAC 0215 – Flight Deck Door Regulations
    • CBAAC 0206 – Structural Overload in Transport Category Aeroplanes Caused by Rudder Inputs
    • CBAAC 0201 – Review of Company Manuals by Transport Canada Inspectors
    • CBAAC 0199 – Chief Pilot Qualifications – Subpart 702 Operations
    • CBAAC 0197 – Chief Pilot Air Taxi CAR 703 Written Examination (CPTAX) Aeroplane
    • CBAAC 0195R – Reconsideration of Civil Aviation Tribunal (CAT) Cases
    • CBAAC 0193 – Flight Data Monitoring (FDM) Programs
    • CBAAC 0192 – Notice to Air Operators and Pilots Operating Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) Under Canadian Aviation Regulation 703
    • CBAAC 0191 – Amendments to Part II of the Canada Labour Code, Occupational Health and Safety
    • CBAAC 0185 – The Effect of Beards or Long Hair on the Efficiency of Demand Type, Continuous Flow Oxygen Masks, or Smoke Hoods
    • CBAAC 0183 – Measures for Managing Exposure to Cosmic Radiation of Employees Working on Board Aircraft
    • CBAAC 0182 – Locking of Cockpit Doors
    • CBAAC 0146R – Notice to Pilots and Air Operators of Fairchild/Swearingen Metroliner SA226 & 227 Aircraft Brake Overheat and Wheel Well Fire Hazards
    • ACAC 0138 – Exemption to Permit the Use of Other Than Certified Flight Manual Data When Operating from Wet or Contaminated Runways
    • CBAAC 0126R – Service Blankets
    • ACAC 0120 – Cabin Safety Inspector Use of the D.O.T. Air Carrier Inspector Trip Pass and Baggage Check (Form 26-0236)
    • ACAC 0119 – Incidents Involving UN Specifications 1A1 and 1A2 Metal Drums
    • CBAAC 0115R2 – Process for Approval of a Flight Attendant Manager
    • ACAC 0071 – Notice to Operators Of DeHavilland DHC-6 Twin Otter Aircraft Maximum Performance STOL Takeoff – (Limited Distribution)
  • Commercial & Business Aviation Policy Letters
    • PL 173 – Flight Crew Member Qualification Credits for Transition Programs and Mixed Fleet Flying Programs
    • PL 169 – Development and Implementation of an Advanced Qualification Program (AQP)
    • PL 166 – Quality Assurance (QA) for the Approved Check Pilot (ACP) Program
    • PL 163 – Limitations on the Transportability of Pilot Proficiency Check (PPC) and Competency Check (PCC) Between Private Operator Certificate (POC) Holders and Commercial Air Operators
    • PL 136 – Operational Evaluations
    • PL 58 – Aircraft Critical Surface Contamination (ACSC) – National Policy, Procedures and Guidelines
  • Airworthiness Guidance and Advisory Material
    • SI GEN-004 – Cost Recovery for Aeronautical Product Certification
    • SI GEN-006 – Aircraft Certification Inspection and Audit Procedures
    • SI 500-001 – Approval of Aeroplane Weight Changes
    • PL 500-002 – Establishing the Certification Basis of Changed Aeronautical Products – Interpretation and Policy
    • PL 500-003 – Delegation of Flight Manual Supplement Approval for Simple Avionics Installations
    • AC 500-005 – Fire Protection – Ignition Sources
    • AC 500-006 – Aircraft Operations After Ground Cold Soak
    • AC 500-007 – Lightning Protection of Aircraft Fuel Systems
    • AC 500-008 – Induction System Snow Protection
    • AC 500-009 – Composite Aircraft Structure
    • AC 500-010 – Standards for The Design and Installation of Aircraft Skis
    • AC 500-012 – Airworthiness Standards for the Design of Aircraft Floats
    • AC 500-013 – Carriage of Bulk Liquids In Aircraft
    • AC 500-015 – Certification Plans
    • AC 500-016 – Establishing the Certification Basis of Changed Aeronautical Products
    • SI 500-019 – Issue Papers, Concern Papers and Certification Memoranda
    • AC 500-021 – Certification of a Change of Pilot-In-Command Seat for Single-Pilot Operations for Rotorcraft
    • SI 500-022 – In-Flight Entertainment Systems
    • AC 505-001 – Design Approval Representative (DAR)
    • SI 513-001 – Approval Procedures for Modifications and Repairs to Damage Tolerant Aircraft Structures
    • AC 513-003 – Flight Test Considerations for the Approval of the Design of Aircraft Modifications
    • PL 513-011 – Certification of Night Vision Imaging Systems
    • AC 523-VLA-001 – Advisory Circulars – Joint (ACJ’s) Very Light Aeroplanes
    • SI 523-001 – Wing Tip Extensions and Cut-out Modifications to Fuselage
    • AC 523-002 – Stalls, Compliance (Commuter Category Aeroplanes)
    • AC 523-003 – Flight in Icing Conditions – Performance
    • AC 523-004 – Turbine Engine Propeller Reversing Systems (Commuter Category Aeroplanes)
    • AC 523-005 – Flight in Icing Conditions – Flight Characteristics
    • AC 523-006 – Performance Credit for Use of Power and Propeller Blade Pitch During Accelerate Stop and Landing Ground Roll
    • AC 523-007 – Glider and Banner Towing
    • PL 523-008 – Design Guidelines and Human Factors Considerations for Installation of IFR GPS/GNSS Receivers
    • PL 525-001 – Implementation of the FAA SFAR 88 – Mandatory Action Decision Criteria Memorandum
    • PL 525-002 – Use of the FAA Aircraft Materials Fire Test Handbook
    • PL 525-003 – Side-Facing Seats – Transport Category Aeroplanes
    • AC 525-004 – Flight in Icing Conditions – Performance
    • AC 525-005 – Operation of Thrust Reversing Systems
    • AC 525-006 – Operations from Unpaved Runway Surfaces
    • AC 525-007 – Flight in Icing Conditions – Flight Characteristics
    • AC 525-008 – Downwind Take-Off and Landing
    • AC 525-009 – Controllability During Approach and Landing VMCL, Considerations
    • AC 525-010 – Performance Credit for Use of Power and Propeller Blade Pitch During Accelerate Stop and Landing Ground Roll
    • AC 525-011 – Approval of Steep Approach Landing Capability or Transport Category Aeroplanes
    • AC 525-012 – Certification of Large Aeroplanes in the Restricted Category, Used for Special Purpose Operations
    • AC 525-013 – Flight Characteristics with Lateral Centre of Gravity
    • AC 525-014 – Certification of Transport Category Aeroplanes on Narrow Runways
    • AC 525-015 – Aeroplane Flight Control System Failure Analysis
    • AC 525-016 – Lift and Drag Devices, Controls and Indicators
    • AC 525-017 – Engine Ingestion of Water/Slush Due to Runway Conditions
    • AC 525-018 – Conditional Use of Rated Take-off Power/Thrust up to 10 Minutes for One-Engine-Inoperative Climb Operation
    • AC 525-019 – Computerized Aeroplane Flight Manual Performance Systems
    • AC 525-020 – Stall, Compliance
    • PL 551-001 – Altitude Markings for Aircraft Sensitive Altimeters
    • AC 551-002 – Flight Data Recorder Installation Calibration and Correlation Procedures
    • PL 551-003 – Global Positioning System (GPS) Equipment and Installation Approval
    • SI 551-004 – Provision of FDR and CVR Documentation to the Transportation Safety Board of Canada
  • Airworthiness Manual Advisories (AMAs)
    • AMA 500/00 M – Airworthiness Manual Advisory Index
    • AMA 549/1B – Amateur-Built Aircraft: General
    • AMA 549.5 – Evaluation of Amateur-Built Aircraft Kits to Determine Compliance with the Major Portion Requirement
    • AMA 549.7A – Composite Primary Structures – Amateur-Built Aircraft
    • AMA 549.9 – Use of Automotive Gasoline in Aircraft Engines
    • AMA 549/11 – Amateur-Built Aircraft – Noise Emission Control
    • AMA 549.13/1A – Equipment and Instruments for Amateur-Built Aircraft
    • AMA 549.13/2 – Prevention of Carburettor Icing in Amateur-Built Aircraft
    • AMA 549.101A – Amateur-Built Aircraft Aerobatic Demonstration and Evaluation
    • AMA 549.103/2 – Amateur-Built Aeroplanes Pilot Licence Requirements
    • AMA 549.201 – Evaluation of Amateur-Built Helicopters
  • Airworthiness Notices
    • A001 – Introduction of Airworthiness Notices
    • A002 – Airworthiness Offices
    • A010 – Amendment to the Canadian Aviation Regulations – CAR 104 (Charges)
    • A015 – Transmission of Defect Information to the Organization Responsible for Type Design
    • B001 – Engineering Design Approval Appointments
    • B004 – Acceptance of Foreign Designed Modifications & Repairs
    • B005 – Type Certification of Aircraft Certificated to SFAR 41C or FAR Part 23 Commuter Category
    • B007 – Aircraft Exit Signs – Radioactivity
    • B009 – Chip Detectors in Aircraft Engines, APUs, Transmissions & Reduction Gearboxes
    • B012 – Maximum Take-Off Weight for Small Aeroplanes Engaged in a Special Purpose Agricultural Operation for the Aerial Dispersion of Jettisonable Cargo
    • B013 – Removal of Aircraft Cabin Doors for Parachute Jumping
    • B014 – Emergency Locator Transmitters and Batteries
    • B017 – The Clean Aircraft Concept
    • B021 – Low Temperature Operations With Jet A Fuel
    • B025 – Airworthiness Approval of Radio Equipment
    • B033 – Maintenance Requirements for the Issuance of Extended Charter & Points Abroad Operational Authority
    • B034 – Certification of pressure vessels Canada – U.S. Bilateral
    • B037 – Installation of Automotive Heaters in Aircraft Engine Compartments
    • B041 – Piston Engine On-Condition Maintenance Program Requirements
    • B043 – Conformity Inspection Associated with Appliance Type Certification or Modification/Repair Approval Projects
    • B044 – This is currently under review. Use of Radio Sets in Aeronautical Service
    • B045 – Compatibility of Multiple Modifications
    • B048 – Hazards of Incorrectly Identifying or Mixing Aircraft Fluids
    • B051 – ESSO UNIVIS J13 Hydraulic Fluid
    • B052 – Application of the Civil Aviation Administration of Israel/Transport Canada Civil Aviation Technical Arrangement
    • B054 – Foreign Designed Engines Eligible for Use On Foreign Designed Aircraft Registered in Canada
    • B055 – Service Bulletin Compliance
    • B056 – Applicability of Foreign Airworthiness Directives in Canada
    • B057 – Revision to the Small Operator Maintenance Control Manual
    • B061 – Privileges of Performing Maintenance or Elementary Work When Instructed by Sources Other Than the Canadian Aviation Regulations
    • B062 – Review of Maintenance Requirements of Skis and Wheel/Skis Installed on Small Aircraft
    • B065 – Policy and Procedures for the Operation of Foreign Military Aircraft in Canadian Airspace
    • B066 – Insulation Blanket Covers and Tapes Metallized Polyethylene Terephthalate (MPET)
    • B067 – Inspection and Maintenance of Handheld Portable Fire Extinguishers and the Hydrostatic Testing of Pressure Vessels used in Aircraft
    • B068 – Piper PA28 Series Aileron, Flap and Stabilator Skins
    • B069 – Scheduled Maintenance Instruction Development Processes
    • B071 – Paint and Sealant Removal Process
    • B072 – Incompatible Oxygen Fittings
    • C003 – Transport Canada Approved Aircraft Courses for Aircraft Maintenance Engineers
    • C004 – Maintenance Release Privileges; Older Aircraft and SFAR 41C Aircraft
    • C010 – Inspection of Control Systems
    • C011 – General Information – Aircraft Maintenance Engineer Licensing and Training
    • C012 – Aircraft Maintenance Training Programs for Approved Maintenance Organizations
    • D001 – DHC-2 Beaver – Engine Compartment Fire Extinguisher System
    • D002 – Single-Pilot Operation of the Cessna Models 500, 550, S550, 552 & 560 Aircraft
    • D004 – Cockpit Voice Recorder Recordings Evaluation
    • D005 – Cessna 182S, 206H and T206H Right Wing Spar Cap Stiffeners
    • D006 – Eurocopter AS 350: Investigation of Flight Control Concerns
    • D008 – Safety Information Regarding Ground and Airbourne Icing
  • Approved Check Pilot Manual
  • ACP Bulletins
    • ACP/AQP Evaluator Bulletin 01/24 – Approved Check Pilot (ACP) Manual (10th Edition, Revision One), TP 6533
    • ACP/AQP Evaluator Bulletin 01/23 – New Online Pilot Proficiency Check (PPC)/ Line Operational Evaluation (LOE) Flight Test Reports
    • ACP/AQP Evaluator Bulletin 01/22 – Expansion of ACP (Type M) Authority
    • ACP/AQP Evaluator Bulletin 01/21 – Advisory Circular (AC) 700-062 – Phased PPC
    • ACP/AQP Evaluator Bulletin 04/20 – Scripted Pilot Proficiency Checks (PPCs) – Aeroplanes
    • ACP/AQP Evaluator Bulletin 02/20 – Helicopter ACP Recent Experience Requirements
    • ACP/AQP Evaluator Bulletin 01/20 – Modernization of Training and Checking
    • ACP/AQP Evaluator Bulletin 03/20 – COVID-19 Response Measures, Updates and Guidance
    • ACP/AQP Evaluator Bulletin 03/19 – Revisions to Helicopter Flight Test Guide
    • ACP/AQP Evaluator Bulletin 02/19 – Removal of Circling Minima at Major International Airports in Canada
    • ACP/AQP Bulletin 01/19 – ACP Type A (VFR-Only) – Practical Training Requirements (Initial Course)
    • ACP/AQP Evaluator Bulletin 02/18 – Helicopter PPC Assessments
    • ACP/AQP Bulletin 01/18 – Helicopter ACPs – Maximum Aircraft Types on an Accreditation, Recency Requirements, and Maximum Number of VFR Flight Checks Per Day
    • ACP Bulletin 01/17 (Revision 1) – Approved Check Pilot (ACP) Manual (10th Edition)
    • ACP Bulletin 01/16 – Steep Turns during Helicopter PPCs
    • ACP Bulletin 01/15 – Instrument Rating – Exemption to CAR 401.03(1)(b) and CAR 401.48 (NCR 040-2015)
    • ACP / AQP Bulletin 01/14 – Amendment to TP 14727/14728 – PPC and Aircraft Type Rating Flight Test Guides and TP 14672 – AQP Evaluator Manual, with Respect to the Assessment of Stabilized Constant Descent Angle (SCDA) Approach Techniques; Approaches to Stall; and Approaches Flown to Localizer Performance with Vertical Guidance (LPV) Minima
  • Pilot Proficiency Check and Aircraft Type Rating – Flight Test Guide (Aeroplanes)
  • Pilot Proficiency Check and Aircraft Type Rating – Flight Test Guide (Helicopter)
  • Advanced Qualification Program Evaluator Manual
  • Approved Check Dispatcher Manual (TP 14114)
  • Civil Aviation Integrated Management System Standard (TP 14693)
  • Aviation Safety Program Manual for the Civil Aviation Directorate
  • Transport Canada Civil Aviation Service Standards Activities (With and Without Charges)
  • Aviation Service Standards 2018-2019
  • Flight Attendant Manual Standard
  • Flight Attendant Training Standard
  • SMS Implementation Procedures Guide for Air Operators and AMOs
  • Maintenance Schedule Approval Policy and Procedures Manual
  • Commercial and Business Aviation Inspection and Audit (Checklists) – Manual
  • Aircraft Maintenance & Manufacturing Inspection and Audit (Checklists) Manual
  • Maintenance Policy Manual (MPM) Checklist
  • European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) – Maintenance Annex Guidance
  • Air Operator Certification Manual (TP 4711)
  • Aircraft Registration Procedures Manual (TP 11957)
  • Foreign Air Operator Certification Manual (TP 11524)
  • How Do I…Register My New Aircraft in Canada? For First-time Registration of New, Canadian-manufactured Aircraft (TP 13153)
  • How Do I…”Re-register” an Aircraft in My Name? (TP 13277)
  • How Do I…Co-register an Aircraft in Canada? For Two or More Owners (TP 13276)
  • How Do I…Register My Basic Ultra-light Aeroplane in Canada? For First-time Registration of Basic Ultra-light Aeroplanes (TP 13157)
  • How Do I…Register My Advanced Ultra-light Aeroplane in Canada? For First-time Registration of Advanced Ultra-light Aeroplanes (TP 13155)
  • How Do I…Register My Amateur-built Aircraft in Canada? For First-time Registration of Amateur-built Aircraft (TP 13156)
  • How Do I…Register My Imported Aircraft in Canada? For First-time Registration of Imported Aircraft (TP 13154)
  • How Do I…Export My Canadian Registered Aircraft? (TP 13275)
  • How Do I…Change My Address on My Certificate of Registration? (TP 13305)
  • Aircraft Leasing Procedures Manual (TP 13090)
  • Canadian Air Transport Security Authority Act
  • Canadian Aviation Security Regulations, 2012
  • Criteria for Approval of ETOPS
  • Manual of All Weather Operations (Categories II and III)
  • Guidelines for Aircraft Ground – Icing Operations (TP 14052)
  • Merger or Take-Over Procedures Guide
  • MMEL/ MEL Policy and Procedures Manual
  • How to Start a Flight Training Unit
  • Pilot Examiner Manual
  • Flight Test Guides
    • Flight Test Guide – Competency Check (Private Operators)
    • Flight Test Guide – Recreational Pilot Permit – Aeroplane
    • Flight Test Guide – Private Pilot Licence – Aeroplane
    • Flight Test Guide – Commercial Pilot Licence – Aeroplane
    • Flight Test Guide – Instrument Rating – Groups 1, 2 and 3 – Aeroplane
    • Flight Test Guide – Flight Instructor Rating – Aeroplane, Helicopter, Aerobatic
    • Flight Test Guide – Multi-Engine Class Rating – Aeroplane
    • VFR Navigation Progress Test Guide – Aeroplane
    • Flight Test Guide – Private and Commercial Pilot Licence – Helicopter
    • Flight Test Guide – Instrument Rating – Group 4 – Helicopter
    • Flight Test Guide – Powered Para-Glider
    • Flight Test Guide – Ultra-light Aeroplane
  • Knowledge Requirements for Pilots of Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems 250 g Up to and Including 25 kg, Operating Within Visual Line-of-Sight (VLOS)
  • Aerodromes Standards and Recommended Practices
  • Canada Labour Code
  • Canada Labour Code Part II – Occupational Health and Safety
  • Aviation Occupational Safety and Health Regulations
  • Canada Occupational Health and Safety Regulations
  • Non-smokers’ Health Act
  • Non-smokers’ Health Regulations
  • Transportation Appeal Tribunal of Canada Act
  • Transportation Appeal Tribunal of Canada Rules
  • Transportation of Dangerous Goods Act, 1992
  • Transportation of Dangerous Goods Regulations
  • Hazardous Products Act
  • Canadian Transportation Accident Investigation and Safety Board Act
  • Transportation Safety Board Regulations
  • Access to Information Act
  • Access to Information Regulations
  • Privacy Act
  • Privacy Regulations
  • Canada Transportation Act
  • Canadian Transportation Agency Designated Provisions Regulations
  • Air Transportation Regulations
  • Air Passenger Protection Regulations
  • Personnel Training for the Assistance of Persons with Disabilities Regulations
  • CARAC Management Charter (TP 15363E)
  • CARAC Manual of Procedures (TP 15362E)
  • Transport Canada Forms
    • 24-0008E – Aircraft Inspection Report
    • 24-0018A – Response to Letter of Notification other than Canadian Registered Aircraft
    • 24-0019 – Letter of Notification
    • 24-0019AE – Response to Letter of Notification 24-0019
    • 24-0037E – Special Flight Permit
    • 24-0038E – Service Difficulty Report
    • 24-0043E – Application for a Certificate of Airworthiness (C of A)
    • 24-0044E – Application for a Flight Permit
    • 24-0049E – Export Airworthiness Certificate
    • 24-0050E – Application for an Export Airworthiness Certificate
    • 24-0055AE – Small Aircraft Maintenance Schedule Approval
    • 24-0055BE – Large Aircraft Maintenance Schedule Approval
    • 24-0055CE – Maintenance Schedule Amendment Request
    • 24-0059E – Annual Airworthiness Information Report
    • 24-0070E – Application for Approval of a Maintenance Organization
    • 24-0075 – Flight Authority
    • 24-0079 Initial Application or a Special Certificate of Airworthiness for an Amateur-Built Aircraft
    • 24-0083E – Aircraft Maintenance Engineer Licence Application
    • 24-0091 – Amateur Built Climb Test Report
    • 24-0092E – Inspection Snag Sheet
    • 24-0093E – European Maintenance Organization (MO) Application for Initial / Continuation of a Maintenance Approval in Accordance with the Canada-European Union Bilateral Aviation Safety Agreement (BASA)
    • 24-0097E Multimodal Integrated Technical Training Training Application and Authorization
    • 26-0010E – Civil Aviation Medical Examination Report
    • 26-0010AE – Civil Aviation Telemedicine
    • 26-0011E – Civil Aviation Medicine Medical Condition Reporting Form
    • 26-0012E Medical Certificate for Persons with Physical or Medical Conditions that Prevent the Use of a Non-Medical Mask or Face Covering for Civil Aviation
    • 26-0045E – Air Operator Certificate Application – Bases and Scheduled Points (AOC Part III)
    • 26-0046E – Air Operator Certificate Application – Aircraft
    • 26-0047E – Air Operator Certificate Application – Contact and Personnel (AOC Part I)
    • 26-0048E – Air Operator Certificate Application – Maintenance
    • 26-0049E – Air Operator Certificate – Summary and Recommendations
    • 26-0083E – Flight Crew Permit/License – Application for Endorsement of a Rating
    • 26-0145E Application – Air Traffic Controller Licence – Rating – Location
    • 26-0189E – Design Approval Document Transfer Application
    • 26-0225 – Canadian Foreign Air Operator Certificate Application – Conditions of Issue (USA Operators)
    • 26-0243E – Examination Answer Sheet – Student Pre-solo
    • 26-0297E – Medical Declaration for Licences and Permits Requiring a Category 4 Medical Standard
    • 26-0309 – Annex to Application for Registration of a Leased Aircraft
    • 26-0344E – Application for Flight Training Unit Operator Certificate
    • 26-0346 – Application to Authorize a Leasing Operation Involving a Canadian Air Operator Lessee Operating a Foreign Registered Aircraft (LF-3)
    • 26-0347E – Application to Authorize a Leasing Operation Involving a Foreign Air Operator Lessee and a Canadian Air Operator Lessor (LF-2)
    • 26-0348E – Application to Authorize a Leasing Operation Involving a Canadian Air Operator Lessee and a Canadian Air Operator Lessor – (LF-1)
    • 26-0365 – Notice of Detention of Aircraft
    • 26-0368 – Notice of Suspension – Air Operator Certificate
    • 26-0369 – Appendix to Notice of Suspension or Cancellation – Air Operator
    • 26-0370 – Notice of Suspension
    • 26-0380E – Statement of Intent – Commercial Services
    • 26-0427E – Aeronautical Assessment Form for Obstruction Evaluation
    • 26-0436 – Notice of Cancellation – Air Operator Certificate
    • 26-0440 – Air Operator Certificate Application – Aerial Work
    • 26-0448 – Air Operator Certificate Application – Passenger Carrying Authority – Cabin Safety
    • 26-0462 – Civil Aviation – Confirmation of Inspection Request/Costs
    • 26-0469E – Design Change Approval Application
    • 26-0477E – Canadian Foreign Air Operator Certificate Application
    • 26-0477AE – Canadian Foreign Air Operator Certificate Application (Short Format)
    • 26-0482E – Notice of Proposed Amendment Comment Submission Form
    • 26-0496E – Advisory – Aircraft Leasing Operation (LF-5)
    • 26-0498E – Application to Authorize a Leasing Operation Involving a Foreign Operator Lessee and a Canadian Aircraft Manufacturer (LF-4)
    • 26-0504 – Flight Forecast
    • 26-0509 – Application for Specialty Air Service Operations – Free Trade Agreement (FTA)
    • 26-0519E – Notification of Transfer of Aircraft Ownership
    • 26-0521E – Application for Registration of Ultra-Light or Advanced Ultra-Light Aeroplanes
    • 26-0522E – Application for Registration of Aircraft (Not for Ultra-Light or Advanced Ultra-Light Aeroplanes)
    • 26-0534E – Private Operator Certificate Application
    • 26-0535E – Aircraft Document / Equipment Check – General
    • 26-0536E – Aircraft Document Equipment Check for Ultra-Lights
    • 26-0576 – Notice of Suspension (Parts Only) – Air Operator Certificate
    • 26-0577 – Notice of Cancellation (Parts Only) – Air Operator Certificate
    • 26-0584 – Appendix to Notice of Suspension or Cancellation – Private Operator
    • 26-0592E – SA Application – CUSMA – Specialty Air Services (Aerial Work)
    • 26-0594 – Cabin Safety Inspection Report – Training
    • 26-0596 – Annex “A” – Flight Attendant Training & Qualification Records
    • 26-0597 – Cabin Safety Inspection Report – Carry-on Baggage
    • 26-0598E – Cabin Safety Inspection Report – Base
    • 26-0599 – Cabin Safety Inspection Report – Inflight, Ramp and Aircraft (CARs 705)
    • 26-0601 – Foreign Inspection Division – Cabin Safety Inspection Report
    • 26-0603E – Temporary Aircraft Journey Log
    • 26-0614 – Assurance of Voluntary Compliance
    • 26-0615 – Assurance of Voluntary Compliance
    • 26-0616E – Safety and Health Commitee Report
    • 26-0617E – Minutes – Health and Safety Committee
    • 26-0618E – Complaint Registration
    • 26-0620E – Refusal to Work Registration
    • 26-0621 – Hazardous Occurrence Investigation Report – Schedule 1 – Section 10.6
    • 26-0622E – Agreement for Recovering the Incremental Costs of Providing Services Inside/Outside Canada (Cost Recovery)
    • 26-0626 – Foreign Inspection Division – Flight Operations – In-Flight Inspection Report
    • 26-0627E – Foreign Inspection Division – Foreign Air Operator Base Inspection (Flight Operations) – Checklist
    • 26-0630E – Application for Type Certification of Foreign Designed Aeronautical Products
    • 26-0633 – Line Check Report
    • 26-0636 – TC Generated MELs (GMELs) – Aircraft Information
    • 26-0638E – AME Licence Application Supplement Technical Examinations
    • 26-0646 – Training and Qualification Records – Audit
    • 26-0647 – Flight Attendant Training Program – Audit
    • 26-0648 – Cabin Safety Physical Audit
    • 26-0649 – Cabin Safety Pre-Audit
    • 26-0651 – Cabin Safety Inspection Report – Inflight, Ramp and Aircraft (CARs 703/704)
    • 26-0652 – Application for Qualification as A Pilot Examiner – Flight Instructor Rating
    • 26-0659 – Application for Authorization to Launch High Power and Advanced High Power Rocket(s)
    • 26-0668 – Flight Attendant Manager Approval
    • 26-0675E – Corrective Action Form
    • 26-0676AE – Finding – For Non-Compliance With a Certification Requirement
    • 26-0676BE – Finding – For Non-Compliance With a Rule of Conduct
    • 26-0700E – Application for Limited Term Pilot Licence
    • 26-0701E – Application for Foreign Licence Validation Certificate
    • 26-0702E – Application for Verification and Conversion of an FAA Pilot Certificate
    • 26-0726E – Application for an Aviation Document Booklet
    • 26-0728E – Approved Check Dispatcher (ACD) Delegation of Authority Form
    • 26-0729 – ACD or Flight Dispatcher Extension Request / Approval
    • 26-0730E – Dispatcher’s Competency Check Report
    • 26-0731 – Familiarization Flight Report
    • 26-0732 – Flight Dispatcher Training and Proficiency Record
    • 26-0734 – Approved Check Dispatcher (ACD) Recommendation Form
    • 26-0735E – Check Dispatcher Monitor Report
    • 26-0738E – Application for Re-Issue of A Civil Aviation Licensing Document
    • 26-0751E – Directed Bright Light Illumination Incident Report/Questionnaire
    • 26-0754E – Notice of Proposal to Conduct Outdoor Laser Operation(s)
    • 26-0755E – Refractive Surgery for Visual Acuity Correction
    • 26-0756 – Type Certificate Application
    • 26-0757E – Ministerial Delegate Statement of Compliance with the Certification Basis
    • 26-0759 – Flight Crew Licensing Declaration of Name
    • 26-0760E – Flight Crew Licensing Change of Address Request
    • 26-0764 – Canadian Technical Standard Order (CAN-TSO) Design Approval Application
    • 26-0765 – Aviation Occupational Safety and Health Regulations
    • 26-0776 – Evidence Report
    • 26-0791E – Application Guidelines for Private Pilot Licence – Aeroplane
    • 26-0792 – Application Guidelines for Private Pilot Licence – Helicopter
    • 26-0793E – Application Guidelines for Commercial Pilot Licence – Aeroplane
    • 26-0794E – Application Guidelines for Commercial Pilot Licence – Helicopter
    • 26-0795E – Application Guidelines for Airline Transport Pilot Licence – Aeroplane
    • 26-0796E – Application Guidelines for Airline Transport Pilot Licence – Helicopter
    • 26-0797E – Application Guidelines for a Glider Pilot Licence
    • 26-0798E – Application Guidelines for an Ultra-Light Pilot Permit – Aeroplane
    • 26-0799E – Application Guidelines for a Recreational Pilot Permit – Aeroplane
    • 26-0800E – Application Guidelines for a Gyroplane Pilot
    • 26-0801E – Application Guidelines for a Balloon Pilot Licence
    • 26-0802E – Application Guidelines for a Flight Engineer
    • 26-0807 – Application Form Temporary Private Operator Certificate (TPOC)
    • 26-0818E – Recommendation for Dispatcher Competency Check
    • 26-0821E – Application Private Operator Registration Document (POR)
    • 26-0826E – Private Operator Registration Document (PORD) Application Form
    • 26-0835E – Application for A Special Flight Operations Certificate (SFOC) for the Operation of a Unmanned Air Vehicle (UAV) System in Canadian Airspace
    • 26-0836E – Japan (JCAB) Approved Maintenance Organization (AMO) Application for Initial / Continuation / Amendment of a Supplement of an AMO In Accordance with the Bilateral Arrangement Between Japan and Canada on Civil Aviation Safety
    • 26-0837E – Approved Check Pilot Application Form
    • 26-0838E – Approved Check Pilot (ACP) – Schedule of Flight Checks
    • 26-0843E – Advanced Qualification Program Evaluator (AQPE) Delegation of Authority Application
    • 26-0844E – Approved Check Pilot (ACP) And AQP Evaluator (AQPE) Monitor Report
    • 26-0845E – Advanced Qualification Program Evaluator (AQPE) Monthly Schedule of Validations and Evaluations
    • 26-0851 – Fatigue Risk Management Gap Analysis Tool
    • 26-0852E – Civil Aviation Medicine Credentialing Form
    • 26-0853E – Civil Aviation Medical Examination Report – Statement of Applicant
    • 26-0861E – Canadian Foreign Air Operator Certificate Code Share Arrangement Application
    • 26-0862E – Attestation of Fitness for Civil Aviation for Exemption NCR-062-2020
    • 26-0862A – Civil Aviation – FIT Certification
    • 26-0863E – Medical Certificate for Persons with Physical or Medical Conditions Causing Elevated Body Temperatures
    • 26-0864E – UK CAA Approved Maintenance Organisation (AMO) Application for Initial Issue/ Amendment of a TCCA Supplement in Accordance with the TA-M Between the United Kingdom and Canada on Civil Aviation Safety
    • 26-0865E – Foreign Air Operator Statement of Intent
    • 26-0867E – Observation Form
    • 26-0870 – Radio Altimeter Disturbance/Interference Report
    • 26-0873E – Notice of Proposed Amendment Comment Submission Form
    • 26-0875E – ANAC Approved Maintenance Organization (AMO) Application for Initial Approval/Amendment of a TCCA Supplement in Accordance with the Technical Arrangement on Maintenance Between Canada and Brazil
    • 26-0869E – Application for Reservation of Aircraft Registration Marks
    • 26-0877E- Aircraft Maintenance Experience Sample Tasks – Structures (S) Licence
    • 26-0878E – Aircraft Maintenance Experience Sample Tasks – Avionics (E) Licence
    • 26-0879E – Aircraft Maintenance Experience Sample Tasks – Balloon Licence
    • 26-0880E – Aircraft Maintenance Experience Sample Tasks – Maintenance (M1-M2) Licence
    • 27-0198E – Safety Reporting Form
  • Civil Aviation Document Cancellation History
  • Previous Version of Documents
    • Canadian Aviation Regulations
    • Canadian Aviation Regulations Standards